Why is it that when you stand up for what is right, there is never a shortage of people to tell you, you are wrong for doing so? Of course you have guessed that I am talking about Senator Bunning. I am not sure how this whole situation got this out of hand, but I do know that a man doing what is right was vilified by both by the democrats and his own party.
Let rewind a little shall we. We only need to go back a little less than three weeks (to the 12th of February to be exact). On this day in American history, Congress put into effect a “pay-as-you-go” law. What does this mean? Well in the words of our President it means:
“Congress, you have to pay as you go. You can’t spend a dollar unless you cut a dollar elsewhere. This is how a responsible family or business manages a budget. And this is how a responsible government manages a budget, as well. “And the naïve people in America rejoiced…No longer would Congress spend our tax dollars liberally. No longer will congress increase our national debt. Finally Congress would have to be (at least in part) fiscally conservative…and as the old saying goes “if you believed that, I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell you”
Now come back in time to just a few days ago and you will see a good Conservative Senator from Kentucky by the name of Senator Jim Bunning. Congress is trying to pass a law that would extend money to among other things unemployment and Medicare (two of the largest Black Holes in America as far as our tax dollars are concerned). This man dared to stand up in Congress and tell them to follow their own rules. He actually told Congress to find out where the money would come from. I will tell you that I for one was shocked. Did Senator actually propose that Congress live by what they preach? Of course what did not shock me was the treatment that he received. Democrats and even a handful of Republicans verbally attacked him viscously for the next few days for daring to hold this bill up. And where was the support of President Obama then? Let’s just say it was with all the other support that the Senator received. Senator Bunning stood along against the masses.
And when Senator Bunning himself came up with a plan to pay for it all, what happened? Where is the support of those who voted for this rule in the first place? I am sorry to say, it was not there. Senator Bunning eventually compromised after fighting a hard uphill battle after agreements were made that funding would be provided in the near future. Let me just warn you now: don’t hold your breath.
Senator Bunning, I for one applaud you for your efforts. Please keep up the good fight for the short time that you remain in office.
BTW, in a final bit of irony, President Obama had a party of sorts yesterday for 31 of his favorite Democrats. Why did he have the party you ask? To thank them for their support in passing “pay-as-you-go”.
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